May 01, 2018
Artists in the Classroom (AIC) grants activate learning for young people across BC. Each year we support approximately 130 projects that bring artists and educators together to expand the role of arts in education. Our team has been sifting through the data from the reports submitted at the end of the 2016-17 projects. In these reports, the project leads are asked what were the most rewarding and challenging parts of the project, what was the impact, and they share quotes and photos.
What we heard was pretty compelling! Bringing artists into the classroom for hands-on learning not only builds the confidence of the students, develops the teachers’ skills and expands the artists’ practice, it also creates community pride and so much more.
79% of respondents said student engagement was the most rewarding part of the project
While taking part in AIC-funded projects students showed enthusiasm for the learning process, showed pride in their work, built strong relationships with the artists, developed self-confidence and often got the opportunity to engage with students from different grades/classes.
70% of respondents said project scope was the most challenging part of the project
When the project coordinators faced challenges, it was most often related to scheduling, time limitations and coordination. They recommend building in some flexibility and allowing time for relationships to develop.
We could write essay after essay about the reported impacts from AIC-funded projects. But there definitely are a few that are mentioned repeatedly. Teachers are amazed by the creativity shown by their students and how everyone built their creative confidence. They gained skills in art fundamentals but also in artistic processes that can be applied to any curricular area. Students remember the hands-on learning experience for months, even years.
Projects that engaged with Indigenous artists provided students a reflection of how art enlivens culture and brought other narratives into the classroom. Students engaged with the content in new ways and saw the people behind the stories.
AIC-funded project encourage teamwork, risk-taking, belonging, mentorship and pride. Projects leave a legacy in the school through the culture built, traditions created and artwork shared.
Does this sound like the type of experiences you would like to bring into your classroom or school? Artists, Teachers, Principals and PAC Representatives can apply for Artists in the Classroom grants of up to $3,500 for small-scale projects and up to $10,000 for large-scale projects. Deadlines for the 2018-19 school year are May 25, 2018 and October 18, 2018.
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