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Join ArtStarts' Board of Directors

ArtStarts in Schools is currently seeking individuals to join our Board of Directors as a General Board Member.


2023 Posting - General Board Member 



About ArtStarts in Schools

ArtStarts is looking for new board members to help us work with young people to access arts-based learning experiences! Now in our 27th year, we are looking for creative, collaborative and innovative people to serve in our governance board. Our board works on shared values and our our strategy can be found here:

ArtStarts is a mission driven organization, that is focused on the process rather than the products of that arts. Board members are expected to consult and collaborate with young people and champion their input and voice into ArtStarts design and delivery. We believe everyone is creative and that every young person needs the opportunities to express themselves in trusting, listening, and respectful relationships.

Commitment to Anti-Oppression

As an arts organization aimed at working with young people, we have an important role to play in advancing and strengthening the values of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. As part of this active learning journey, we are taking a magnifying lens to our core programs and also taking a birds-eye view of ArtStarts as a whole and identifying how we can apply an equity and decolonization lens to our work. Social justice issues are no longer the responsibility of activist organizations, but instead a moral responsibility for all of us as human beings. Social justice through the arts is a powerful approach and now an integrated part of our work towards mission impact.

About the Team

Our current Board of Directors is made up of passionate community leaders, artists, and educators. Our recruitment plans reflect our shared desire and aspiration to build and maintain a Board of 9+ members. ArtStarts works with a collaborative directorship model and has a staff team of 12 people.

We are all committed to our own anti-oppression learning journey and focused on finding ways to embody our commitment to equity and decolonization both internally and externally at ArtStarts. 

Position Description

ArtStarts is currently seeking nominations of qualified candidates for the Board of Directors. There are three vacancies for 2023, each for a one-year term. Successful candidates will contribute their experience, perspectives, and skills to govern ArtStarts with a focus on three key areas: fiduciary (legal compliance and accountability), strategic (setting priorities and planning for the future), and generative (big picture questions and blue sky thinking). 


  • Support and advocate for the mission and vision of ArtStarts

  • Commit to ongoing learning about yourself in relation to equity and anti-oppression 

  • Contribute your perspective and pose valuable questions to support the Board in making sound governance decisions

  • Actively participate in and contribute to board activities

  • Attend recurring Board meetings as well as Board Committee and Task Force meetings

  • Serve on the Governance, Leadership, Finance Committee, and Task Forces as required, including providing input and contributing to deliverables of Board Committees

  • Appropriately collaborate with and support for the staff leadership team

  • Contribute time and energy to carry out Board responsibilities (such as hiring and managing the co-directors on the executive leadership team, strategic planning, resource development, or board development)

  • Act as an ambassador of ArtStarts to external stakeholders and your own networks

  • Attend and support special events as required 


Do several of the following statements describe you? If so, we want to hear from you!

  • Excitement about and belief in the ArtStarts mission, vision, strategic plan and guiding principles

  • Understanding of non-profit governance, and interest in exploring emerging new models

  • Experience and willingness to advocate for systemic change within arts and education

  • Actively involved and connected within the BC arts or education communities

  • Familiarity with and commitment to anti-oppression principles and practices

  • Strategic thinker with the ability to contribute to future-oriented conversations

  • Capacity to work as part of a collaborative and creative team, leading and following others

  • Ability to navigate uncertainty and ambiguity, and flex with emergent needs

  • Commitment to ongoing personal learning, reflection, and growth

Ideal candidates will be keen to contribute expertise and networks in one or more of the following areas:  

  • Arts Education (artist or educator who advocates for systems change and arts integration)

  • Anti-oppression (experience applying justice, equity, inclusion principles in organizations)

  • Finance (strategic accounting, budgeting, banking or investment)

  • Fund development (individual donors, grant writing and/or organizational funders)

  • Governance (knowledge and experience with boards, interest in emerging new models)

We encourage all applicants who believe they can excel in this role to apply, regardless of background and experience. We particularly encourage applicants from members of communities that are marginalized or that experience structural discrimination, including those identifying as Black, Indigenous, people of colour, LGBTQ2IA+, and those living with a visible or invisible disability.* 

We would also particularly welcome applications from youth (aged 18-25), and from those based in BC regions outside of the Lower Mainland. 

Time Commitment

The average monthly time commitment is estimated to be 4-6 hours:

  • Monthly board meetings: ~1.5 hours 

  • Annual board retreat: ~4 hours

  • Bi-monthly Committee/Task Force meetings: ~1 hour

  • In-between deliverables and ancillary activities throughout the year (e.g. one-on-ones, reviewing and preparing materials, responding to emails and communications, attending organizational trainings and events, etc.): 1-4 hours per month, up to a combined maximum of 6 hours each month

The Board convenes virtually. The ArtStarts office is located in Downtown Vancouver, and it is optionally available for any Board Members who wish to tend to role-related duties in-person. If the Board determines that there is a business need for an in-person meeting, additional time for travel may be required of out-of-town members. ArtStarts would pay travel expenses for those members accordingly. Accessibility details of our space are noted here:

Benefits and Recognition

Volunteers who contribute their time and knowledge as ArtStarts board members benefit from: 

  • The opportunity to influence positive social change across the province

  • The chance to make a significant contribution to the growth and success of ArtStarts

  • The development of leadership skills through committees and projects of the Board

  • Professional growth opportunities through trainings, guest speakers, and workshops 

  • Meaningful relationships with fellow volunteers, staff and community 

  • Strengthened strategic and visionary thinking skills

  • Increased inspiration and chances to spark your own individual creativity

To Apply

Please apply using the form available on top of this page, and send a resume or a comparable portfolio that highlights your experience using “Board Member Application” in the subject line, and send to ArtStarts Board of Directors at

We look forward to hearing from you!